Born and raised in the traditional town of Aichi, Japan. Nami’s curiosity in characters and early experiments with the identity of both herself and her friends pushed her from making herself up in high school into pursuing a role in the beauty industry. Following her studies in makeup, Nami made the move from Tokyo to London to pursue her career in fashion.
Nami’s approach takes inspiration from photography, art and nature but most notably the people she works with. From minimalism to maximalism, Nami plays to each individual's physical and intellectual attributes to create beauty looks that are in high demand. Her work is frequently found within the pages of the world’s leading magazine titles that include Another, Dazed and Confused, M Le Monde, Pop and international Vogue’s. Nami’s unique approach has also been called upon by luxury brands such as Kenzo, Marc Jacobs, Mulberry, Fenty, Loewe, Prada, Stella McCartney and Tods. Nami also frequently collaborates with some of the industry’s most successful photographic talent; Angelo Penneta, Hugo Comte, Johnny Dufort, Juergen Teller, Oliver Hadlee Pearch and Solve Sundsbo.